
Whether you’re a retailer or a service provider, it’s a very competitive marketplace to sell products or services.  Successful organizations find ways to differentiate themselves from their competition.  Having the lowest price may get the consumer in the door and the sale but is that enough?

Beyond the initial sale, it’s imperative that you make sure you obtain the customer’s loyalty.  Market analysis shows us that many future sales come from a loyal customer base that will shop with you the next time they’re looking to purchase, and likely refer their friends and family to you.  A major contributing factor to accomplishing this, you need to provide the consumer with the best customer experience you can deliver.

How do you know if your customers are satisfied with their buying experience?  There are several ways to get this information but some are more effective than others.  Pick the wrong option and you could negatively impact your customer satisfaction.  What was your reaction the last time a telemarketer called you at home while you were settling down for dinner?

We have the solution for you.  We created Surveyor to get you feedback on how satisfied your customers were with their buying experience, presenting it to them when and if they want to participate.  Your customers won’t feel obligated to talk to a telemarketer on the phone and potentially provide inaccurate feedback just so they can rush off the call.

Surveyor was written to send emails to your customers once their sales are finalized, meaning they take possession of the goods or services they purchased from you.  The email asks them to participate in a customer satisfaction survey.  They have the option to participate or opt out.  If they choose to participate, they will be sent to a personalized survey on your website and presented with a series of questions.  If they choose to opt out, that decision will be stored and they will not receive any further requests to participate in surveys from you, even future purchases.

Surveyor integrates with you retail application, corporate email system and your online presence, presenting a consistent look and feel to your customers.  Written in Java, it can be installed on whatever platform you currently run your business on, eliminating the need to purchase additional computer hardware.

Surveyor is fully customizable.  You determine the questions to be asked, acceptable responses and even provide a free-form comments field if you choose.  Templates for emails and survey questions are provided, reducing the deployment time.

Once the customer completes their survey, their responses are temporarily stored on your website before being pushed to your retail application.  Reports can be run automatically or ad hoc to gather the survey responses, either in a summary or detailed view.  This allows you to quickly determine areas within your organization that may need improvement to provide your customers’ with the best end-to-end experience you can offer.

As many organizations have discovered, a happy customer is a repeat customer.  Insure your customers are satisfied with their purchase experience by getting their feedback and leverage the most effective form of indirect marketing, a loyal customer base.